Hello community,
I am using a Jupyter Notebook which stopped showing a visualisaiton.
To be more precice the bellow code
df = per_hour_gtp
fig = px.bar(df, x=“hour”, y=“nb_stock_tote”, color=“gtp”, title=“Bacs de stock pickés en GTP”, barmode=“relative”)
fig.update_layout(title=“Bacs de stock pickés en GTP”,
yaxis_title=“Nombre de bacs de stock”)
fig.add_hline(y = 4437, line_dash=“dot”,
annotation_text=“90% flow diagram throughput (= 4437)”,
annotation_position=“top left”)
is throwing the follwoing error:
df = per_hour_gtp
fig = px.bar(df, x=“hour”, y=“nb_stock_tote”, color=“gtp”, title=“Bacs de stock pickés en GTP”, barmode=“relative”) fig.update_layout(title=“Bacs de stock pickés en GTP”, xaxis_title=‘Temps’, yaxis_title=“Nombre de bacs de stock”) fig.add_hline(y = 4437, line_dash=“dot”, annotation_text=“90% flow diagram throughput (= 4437)”, annotation_position=“top left”) fig.show()
Strangelly enough if I am using backup version which is the same as actual it works well giving me the wanting visual.
I am completelly new on Python and jupiter and the dev who created this notebook is no more available.
Your help would be highly apreciated