hello !
on macos 14.4.1 i’ve just reinstalled dataspell ide and refreshed my environments. i’m trying to work with some jupyter notebooks, but from time to time, when i try to run any cell whatsoever, it just says it’s queued and stays like this indefinitely. one pretty certain way to arrive at this situation is to stop the jupyter server then try to relaunch it by running a cell in a notebook. it doesn’t matter what the cell is doing - it can be a long and complex loop, can be just import statements that were both working just a few minutes ago. it also gives no error messages.
i’ve just reinstalled everything, so all the jupyter packages are up to date, and i’ve veryfied in the jupyter/kernels/python3/kernels.json that the argv stanza has the correct path. the only way i found out of it is to quit everything (just stopping the cell or terminating the jupyter server connection isn’t enough) and then relaunch.
thanks for your help !