This symptoms are pretty much the same as:, but I am using a brand-new installation of Jupyterhub (which I did, thanks to help from this forum), so the trouble is probably due to a mistake in my installation.
I read that other post, and the test notebook does have expressions that evaluate to something, such as 3+4. I’ve restarted the kernel. In Chrome, the kernel seems to say “initializing” for quite some time and then says “disconnected”. Here’s a screenshot of the browser:
I don’t see any errors in the logs (took me some effort to set up logging and maybe they are empty because they aren’t set up correctly). The “journalctl -u jupyterhub” says:
Aug 26 15:39:08 systemd[1]: Started JupyterHub.
Aug 26 15:39:58 sudo[684484]: jupyterhub : PWD=/home/jupyterhub ; USER=cs299 ; COMMAND=/home/jupyterhub/env39/bin/sudospawner
And that’s it. It just doesn’t look like anything is executing. In fact, I looked at the raw first.ipynb
file and the cells look like:
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "65d13271-2ffb-4e8a-a30b-59826f0bfd62",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
so the execution_count being null seems bad.
But the spawning seems to be successful. After logging in as “cs299”, I see the following processes have been created:
cs299 684487 1 0 15:39 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
cs299 684489 684487 0 15:39 ? 00:00:00 (sd-pam)
cs299 684506 1 0 15:39 ? 00:00:00 /home/jupyterhub/env39/bin/python /home/jupyterhub/env39/bin/sudospawner
cs299 684507 684506 0 15:39 ? 00:00:06 /home/jupyterhub/env39/bin/python /home/jupyterhub/env39/bin/jupyterhub-singleuser
cs299 684584 684507 0 15:40 ? 00:00:00 /home/jupyterhub/env39/bin/python -m ipykernel_launcher -f /home/cs299/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/kernel-3828591a-fcf4-4bd3-9a1b-945cc9601ac9.json
What have I missed?
Scott Anderson