Jupyter Deployment on GKE fails with "default backend - 404"

On the substance of your question: I unfortunately don’t know the answer :frowning:

On the admin/forum side of things:

Welcome to the forum :wave: ! I used my admin powers to edit your post to get the config file formatted nicely. If you put three backticks, followed by pre-formatted stuff, followed by three backticks you should get the formatting you wanted.

The forum aims at building a community of active users that have civilised discussions (to quote the slogan of discourse). This means that what an account can do increases with time and interactions. One of these is how many links you can include in your first few posts. Limiting this helps with people making one off posts advertising their event, product, etc (they can’t link spam unless they take part in the community, which probably makes them less likely to spam).

In the end this forum is about humans talking to other humans. So one thread we have is Introduce yourself! which lets people introduce themselves (that way people become more human, not yet-another-forum-user) and it helps with gaining “points” against the forum software’s scoring system. Another good way to get “points” is to help out in an existing thread (basically paying it forward).