I want to access the global variable most_recent_message anywhere in the notebook but it’s not working. The cell just is active (*) but nothing shows up. The messages are coming into the loop and they are printing out as expected so zmq is working but not the global. When I enter most_recent_message into any cell nothing happens. My expectation is that I should be able to type most tab and have it expand but that doesn’t work. It’s as if all the cells in the notebook are locked out.
Can anyone help me out please? this is my first time using zmq in a cell of a notebook to feed the rest of the cells
import zmq.asyncio
import asyncio
from IPython.display import clear_output
import nest_asyncio # To allow nested asyncio loops in Jupyter
# Initialize zmq with asyncio
context = zmq.asyncio.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "")
# Global variable to store the most recent message
most_recent_message = None
async def subscriber():
Asynchronous function to receive messages from ZeroMQ and update the global variable.
global most_recent_message
print("Subscriber started. Waiting for messages...")
while True:
msg = await socket.recv_string()
most_recent_message = msg # Update the most recent message
print(f"Received message: {most_recent_message}") # Debug: Show received message
# Run the subscriber asynchronously in the background
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
task = loop.create_task(subscriber())
# Variable to store the last processed message
last_processed_message = None
def check_for_new_message():
Function to check if a new message has been received.
global last_processed_message
print("check for new message", most_recent_message, " ", last_processed_message)
if most_recent_message != last_processed_message:
last_processed_message = most_recent_message
return most_recent_message
return None
def example_usage():
Example function to demonstrate how to check for new messages.
print("example usage")
new_message = check_for_new_message()
if new_message:
print(f"New message received: {new_message}")
print("No new messages.")
async def monitor_example_usage(interval=2):
Continuously monitors the output of example_usage() asynchronously.
- interval (int): Time in seconds between each check.
while True:
clear_output(wait=True) # Clear previous output
example_usage() # Call the function to check for new messages
print("latest ", most_recent_message)
await asyncio.sleep(interval) # Asynchronous sleep
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Monitoring stopped.")
# Allow nested asyncio loops in Jupyter Notebook
async def main():
task_sub = asyncio.create_task(subscriber())
await monitor_example_usage()
await main()
here is the PUB code I am using
# data_feed_1.py
import zmq
import time
import random
def main():
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
socket.connect("tcp://localhost:5555") # Connect to subscriber's endpoint
while True:
message = f"Feed 1: Data {random.randint(1, 100)}"
print(f"Sent: {message}")
time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 2)) # Send data at random intervals
if __name__ == "__main__":