Jhub failing with Missing required environment $JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL jupyterhub version 3.4.6

We are trying to run jhub single user with nvidia gpu running on eks failing with below error

[E 2023-06-30 15:35:59.931 JupyterHubSingleUser] Failed to load JupyterHubSingleUser server extension
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jupyterhub/singleuser/extension.py”, line 274, in wrapped
r = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
File “/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jupyterhub/singleuser/extension.py”, line 472, in load_config_file
raise KeyError(“Missing required environment $JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL”)
KeyError: ‘Missing required environment $JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL’

What version of JupyterHub are you using? And what version of JupyterHub in the single user image? You should provide more details about your env to be able to give you insights about your problem

Hi @mahendrapaipuri I am using jupyterhub version Version 3.4.6 and single user version extension 4.0.1using this python gpu dockerfile default-python-gpu.Dockerfile from base image FROM nvidia/cuda:11.5.1-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu20.04

There is no JupyterHub 3.4.6 AFAIK. In any case, if you are using single user image 4.0.1, you must use JupyterHub 4.0.1 as well to avoid any incompatibility issues.

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