In Jupyter lab 4+ (last tested in 4.3.4) all the methods that allow saving a copy of a notebook that extends beyond the view window do not abide by the current DOM formatting. In particular, I would like my exports to keep collapsed cells and things like that.
In classic Jupyter notebooks one could use the browser Print to pdf function to get a very good approximation of the current view. Now with Jupyter lab and the new notebook this does not work, because it only sees the current displayed page and not the parts of the notebook that are out of view (even when the notebook windowing mode is set to “none”).
One thought would be to make the JIab file menu print option open a static copy of just the notebook DOM with all current formatting in a new tab and print from that. I do not presently have time to go grepping through the code to see if this is possible. Does anyone know how to do this or have a better idea?
Another, I believe harder to implement, solution would be to change the behavior of nbconvert.