Is there a way to make the terminal to support auto-completion?


In the Terminal in a Jupyter lab, the tab key simply outputs a tab on the screen instead of triggering the console auto-completion.

I looked through the settings menu but could not find a way to make the embedded terminal behave like a real Linux terminal.

I have seen many in-browser Linux terminal emulators. I think it is possible to implement in jupyter-lab.

if the used terminal (bash, zsh, xonsh…) has tab completions they will work fine in jupyterlab’s terminal.

i use zsh with zsh-autosuggestions and tab completions work inside jupyterlab terminal as expected. no further implementation needed.

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That’s nice. Thanks.

One more question. How can I set zsh to be the default shell? I tried using chsh and /etc/passwd shows I have changed the shell, but when I open a new terminal in jupyter, I still get the default bash interface.

chsh is the cmd tool for changing the default shell.

you will probably need to restart jupyterlab, or even relog/-boot to make this change.

I ran the lab in a docker container. I changed the shell for the user when I build the image.

@davidshen I have the same use case.
Can you provide me please how to change the shell into docker container ? Thank’s

Sorry, I still cannot change the default shell. I have to run zsh every time in the lab terminal.