Ipykernel not connecting and then displaying 'unknown'

I started using JupyterLab a few days ago through IN-CORE, and after a bit of use, the kernels stopped connecting.

It either displays a connecting icon without resolving or it changes to ‘unknown’. I am not able to run any cells with this happening. I have attempted to run bug fixes, with this being the output:

I’ve tried searching for why the ip and port have moved to ServerApp and also have not found anything of use. I did change my tornado version as I found elsewhere with no luck.

I also attempted to run Jupyterlab in a test environment which worked fine (connected to the kernel and displayed ‘idle’) and led me to believe there was something wrong with the extensions. When I tried to uninstall one (matlab), it won’t let me rebuild and I get [Errno 1], and the operation is not permitted.

And it won’t let me view the log file, it says permission denied.

So, I am quite at a loss and anything would be greatly appreciated!