Installation to all users in Jupyterhub

Hello fellow Jupyterians,

I installed a tljh on a remote server in my lab and everything works perfectly (we are only 5 users). All packages were installed perfectly system-wide (sudo pip and sudo conda). But one of them (GitHub - ESMG/pyroms: Python tools for the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)) ended up being just in my admin user space. Even though I made a git clone and installed everything with sudo pip install -e …, I realized that other users (obviously) wouldn’t have access to pyroms in my area. One of the packages in a toolbox which needs to be compiled externally as well. So I’m confused on how to make this so that all users can use pyroms on Jupyterhub.
Any tips on where to start?
Best wishes

It sounds like you may be using the global operating system pip. Try using pip inside your conda environment instead.

Hi. there is no conda enviroment if I’m trying to install system wide (that is the problem).

I’m confused, In your earlier post you said packages installed using conda were fine:

Where were those packages installed to?

all packages I installed using my admin account (using sudo pip and sudo conda) are installed system-wide.
However, the pyroms is installed only in my area.

If the problem only occurs with pyroms it might be worth asking on a pyroms help/support forum, especially since the pyroms README says

Pyroms is still a bit rough around the edges, particularly with regard to installation.