TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[4], line 1
----> 1 import seaborn as sns
File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\seaborn\__init__.py:5
3 from .utils import * # noqa: F401,F403
4 from .palettes import * # noqa: F401,F403
----> 5 from .relational import * # noqa: F401,F403
6 from .regression import * # noqa: F401,F403
7 from .categorical import * # noqa: F401,F403
File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\seaborn\relational.py:17
8 from ._oldcore import (
9 VectorPlotter,
10 )
11 from .utils import (
12 locator_to_legend_entries,
13 adjust_legend_subtitles,
14 _default_color,
15 _deprecate_ci,
16 )
---> 17 from ._statistics import EstimateAggregator
18 from .axisgrid import FacetGrid, _facet_docs
19 from ._docstrings import DocstringComponents, _core_docs
File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\seaborn\_statistics.py:31
29 import pandas as pd
30 try:
---> 31 from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
32 _no_scipy = False
33 except ImportError:
File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\__init__.py:606
1 """
2 .. _statsrefmanual:
602 """ # noqa: E501
604 from ._warnings_errors import (ConstantInputWarning, NearConstantInputWarning,
605 DegenerateDataWarning, FitError)
--> 606 from ._stats_py import *
607 from ._variation import variation
608 from .distributions import *
File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\_stats_py.py:49
47 import scipy.special as special
48 from scipy import linalg
---> 49 from . import distributions
50 from . import _mstats_basic as mstats_basic
51 from ._stats_mstats_common import (_find_repeats, linregress, theilslopes,
52 siegelslopes)
File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\distributions.py:11
8 from ._distn_infrastructure import (rv_discrete, rv_continuous, rv_frozen) # noqa: F401
10 from . import _continuous_distns
---> 11 from . import _discrete_distns
13 from ._continuous_distns import * # noqa: F403
14 from ._levy_stable import levy_stable
File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\scipy\stats\_discrete_distns.py:10
8 from scipy.special import entr, logsumexp, betaln, gammaln as gamln, zeta
9 from scipy._lib._util import _lazywhere, rng_integers
---> 10 from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
12 from numpy import floor, ceil, log, exp, sqrt, log1p, expm1, tanh, cosh, sinh
14 import numpy as np
File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\__init__.py:167
1 """
2 ========================================
3 Interpolation (:mod:`scipy.interpolate`)
165 (should not be used in new code).
166 """
--> 167 from ._interpolate import *
168 from ._fitpack_py import *
170 # New interface to fitpack library:
File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\_interpolate.py:14
11 from scipy._lib._util import copy_if_needed
12 from scipy.special import comb
---> 14 from . import _fitpack_py
15 from . import dfitpack
16 from ._polyint import _Interpolator1D
File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\_fitpack_py.py:8
5 import numpy as np
7 # These are in the API for fitpack even if not used in fitpack.py itself.
----> 8 from ._fitpack_impl import bisplrep, bisplev, dblint # noqa: F401
9 from . import _fitpack_impl as _impl
10 from ._bsplines import BSpline
File ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\_fitpack_impl.py:103
52 _iermess = {
53 0: ["The spline has a residual sum of squares fp such that "
54 "abs(fp-s)/s<=0.001", None],
68 'unknown': ["An error occurred", TypeError]
69 }
71 _iermess2 = {
72 0: ["The spline has a residual sum of squares fp such that "
73 "abs(fp-s)/s<=0.001", None],
99 'unknown': ["An error occurred", TypeError]
100 }
102 _parcur_cache = {'t': array([], float), 'wrk': array([], float),
--> 103 'iwrk': array([], dfitpack_int), 'u': array([], float),
104 'ub': 0, 'ue': 1}
107 def splprep(x, w=None, u=None, ub=None, ue=None, k=3, task=0, s=None, t=None,
108 full_output=0, nest=None, per=0, quiet=1):
109 # see the docstring of `_fitpack_py/splprep`
110 if task <= 0:
I don’t think this is related to Jupyter or JupyterHub, so you might be better off asking in a seaborn or scipy Q&A, but check the versions of the packages you have and make sure they are compatibile, e.g. with conda list
and possibly pip check
Hi, I meet with the same error. Did you fix it?
Yeah I just checked in the chat gpt that which version of panda and others library are compatible with seaborn and then installed that version of seaborn again in my Collab and it worked