How to use the preferred-dir parameter in jupyterlab

➜   jupyter lab --version

I did not find the preferred-dir parameter in the help manual
Should I use it this way?

 jupyter lab  --notebook-dir=/ --preferred-dir=/home/other_user
 ➜  jupyter lab --notebook-dir=/ --preferred-dir=/home/other_user
usage: jupyter-lab [-h] [--debug] [--show-config] [--show-config-json] [--generate-config]
                   [-y] [--allow-root] [--no-browser] [--autoreload] [--script]
                   [--no-script] [--core-mode] [--dev-mode] [--watch] [--splice-source]
                   [--expose-app-in-browser] [--extensions-in-dev-mode] [--collaborative]
                   [--log-level ServerApp.log_level] [--config ServerApp.config_file]
                   [--ip ServerApp.ip] [--port ServerApp.port]
                   [--port-retries ServerApp.port_retries]
                   [--transport KernelManager.transport] [--keyfile ServerApp.keyfile]
                   [--certfile ServerApp.certfile] [--client-ca ServerApp.client_ca]
                   [--notebook-dir ServerApp.root_dir] [--browser ServerApp.browser]
                   [--pylab ServerApp.pylab] [--gateway-url GatewayClient.url]
                   [extra_args ...]
jupyter-lab: error: unrecognized arguments: --preferred-dir=/home/other_user

➜   jupyter lab --help
JupyterLab - An extensible computational environment for Jupyter.

This launches a Tornado based HTML Server that serves up an HTML5/Javascript
JupyterLab client.

JupyterLab has three different modes of running:

* Core mode (`--core-mode`): in this mode JupyterLab will run using the JavaScript
  assets contained in the installed `jupyterlab` Python package. In core mode, no
  extensions are enabled. This is the default in a stable JupyterLab release if you
  have no extensions installed.
* Dev mode (`--dev-mode`): uses the unpublished local JavaScript packages in the
  `dev_mode` folder.  In this case JupyterLab will show a red stripe at the top of
  the page.  It can only be used if JupyterLab is installed as `pip install -e .`.
* App mode: JupyterLab allows multiple JupyterLab "applications" to be
  created by the user with different combinations of extensions. The `--app-dir` can
  be used to set a directory for different applications. The default application
  path can be found using `jupyter lab path`.

Subcommands are launched as `lab cmd [args]`. For information on using
subcommand 'cmd', do: `lab cmd -h`.


The options below are convenience aliases to configurable class-options,
as listed in the "Equivalent to" description-line of the aliases.
To see all configurable class-options for some <cmd>, use:
    <cmd> --help-all

    Set debug level for the extension and underlying server applications.
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.log_level=DEBUG --ExtensionApp.log_level=DEBUG]
    Show the application's configuration (human-readable format)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.show_config=True]
    Show the application's configuration (json format)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.show_config_json=True]
    generate default config file
    Equivalent to: [--JupyterApp.generate_config=True]
    Answer yes to any questions instead of prompting.
    Equivalent to: [--JupyterApp.answer_yes=True]
    Allow the server to be run from root user.
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.allow_root=True]
    Prevent the opening of the default url in the browser.
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.open_browser=False --ExtensionApp.open_browser=False]
    Autoreload the webapp
        Enable reloading of the tornado webapp and all imported Python packages
        when any changes are made to any Python src files in server or
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.autoreload=True]
    Equivalent to: [--FileContentsManager.save_script=True]
    Equivalent to: [--FileContentsManager.save_script=False]
    Start the app in core mode.
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.core_mode=True]
    Start the app in dev mode for running from source.
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.dev_mode=True]
    Start the app in watch mode.
    Equivalent to: []
    Expose the global app instance to browser via window.jupyterlab.
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.expose_app_in_browser=True]
    Load prebuilt extensions in dev-mode.
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.extensions_in_dev_mode=True]
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Equivalent to: [--Application.log_level]
    Full path of a config file.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--JupyterApp.config_file]
    The IP address the Jupyter server will listen on.
    Default: 'localhost'
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.ip]
    The port the Jupyter server will listen on.
    Default: 8888
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.port]
    The number of additional ports to try if the specified port is not
    Default: 50
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.port_retries]
    The full path to a private key file for usage with SSL/TLS.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.keyfile]
    The full path to an SSL/TLS certificate file.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.certfile]
    The full path to a certificate authority certificate for SSL/TLS client
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.client_ca]
    The directory to use for notebooks and kernels.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.root_dir]
    Specify what command to use to invoke a web
                          browser when starting the server. If not specified, the
                          default browser will be determined by the `webbrowser`
                          standard library module, which allows setting of the
                          BROWSER environment variable to override it.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.browser]
    DISABLED: use %pylab or %matplotlib in the notebook to enable matplotlib.
    Default: 'disabled'
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.pylab]
    Whether to serve the app in watch mode
    Default: False
    Equivalent to: []
    The app directory to launch JupyterLab from.
    Default: None
    Equivalent to: [--LabApp.app_dir]


    jupyter lab                       # start JupyterLab
            jupyter lab --dev-mode            # start JupyterLab in development mode, with no extensions
            jupyter lab --core-mode           # start JupyterLab in core mode, with no extensions
            jupyter lab --app-dir=~/myjupyterlabapp # start JupyterLab with a particular set of extensions
            jupyter lab --certfile=mycert.pem # use SSL/TLS certificate

To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`.

As described in the PR which introduced support for --preferred-dir in JupyterLab, it had an accompanying PR to jupyter-server which was merged and released in 1.10.0. What version of jupyter-server do you have installed? You can check that by running jupyter server --version.

I checked the version of my jupyter server

➜   jupyter server --version
 ➜   jupyter --version
Selected Jupyter core packages...
IPython          : 7.29.0
ipykernel        : 6.4.1
ipywidgets       : not installed
jupyter_client   : 7.0.6
jupyter_core     : 4.9.1
jupyter_server   : 1.4.1
jupyterlab       : 3.2.5
nbclient         : 0.5.3
nbconvert        : 6.1.0
nbformat         : 5.1.3
notebook         : 6.4.6
qtconsole        : not installed
traitlets        : 5.1.1

But in the parameters of jupyter service, I still did not find the preferred-dir parameter

➜  jupyter server --help
The Jupyter Server.

    This launches a Tornado-based Jupyter Server.

Subcommands are launched as `jupyter-server cmd [args]`. For information on
using subcommand 'cmd', do: `jupyter-server cmd -h`.

    List currently running notebook servers.
    Stop currently running Jupyter server for a given port
    Set a password for the Jupyter server.
    Work with Jupyter server extensions

The options below are convenience aliases to configurable class-options,
as listed in the "Equivalent to" description-line of the aliases.
To see all configurable class-options for some <cmd>, use:
    <cmd> --help-all

    Set debug level for the extension and underlying server applications.
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.log_level=DEBUG --ExtensionApp.log_level=DEBUG]
    Show the application's configuration (human-readable format)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.show_config=True]
    Show the application's configuration (json format)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.show_config_json=True]
    generate default config file
    Equivalent to: [--JupyterApp.generate_config=True]
    Answer yes to any questions instead of prompting.
    Equivalent to: [--JupyterApp.answer_yes=True]
    Allow the server to be run from root user.
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.allow_root=True]
    Prevent the opening of the default url in the browser.
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.open_browser=False --ExtensionApp.open_browser=False]
    Autoreload the webapp
        Enable reloading of the tornado webapp and all imported Python packages
        when any changes are made to any Python src files in server or
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.autoreload=True]
    Equivalent to: [--FileContentsManager.save_script=True]
    Equivalent to: [--FileContentsManager.save_script=False]
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Equivalent to: [--Application.log_level]
    Full path of a config file.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--JupyterApp.config_file]
    The IP address the Jupyter server will listen on.
    Default: 'localhost'
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.ip]
    The port the Jupyter server will listen on.
    Default: 8888
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.port]
    The number of additional ports to try if the specified port is not
    Default: 50
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.port_retries]
    Choices: any of ['tcp', 'ipc'] (case-insensitive)
    Default: 'tcp'
    Equivalent to: [--KernelManager.transport]
    The full path to a private key file for usage with SSL/TLS.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.keyfile]
    The full path to an SSL/TLS certificate file.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.certfile]
    The full path to a certificate authority certificate for SSL/TLS client
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.client_ca]
    The directory to use for notebooks and kernels.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.root_dir]
    Specify what command to use to invoke a web
                          browser when starting the server. If not specified, the
                          default browser will be determined by the `webbrowser`
                          standard library module, which allows setting of the
                          BROWSER environment variable to override it.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.browser]
    DISABLED: use %pylab or %matplotlib in the notebook to enable matplotlib.
    Default: 'disabled'
    Equivalent to: [--ServerApp.pylab]
    The url of the Kernel or Enterprise Gateway server where
            kernel specifications are defined and kernel management takes place.
            If defined, this Notebook server acts as a proxy for all kernel
            management and kernel specification retrieval.  (JUPYTER_GATEWAY_URL env var)
    Default: None
    Equivalent to: [--GatewayClient.url]


    jupyter server                       # start the server
    jupyter server  --certfile=mycert.pem # use SSL/TLS certificate
    jupyter server password              # enter a password to protect the server

To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`.

This means that you need to upgrade jupyter-server to version 1.10.0 or newer. You have a very old 1.4.1 installed.

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Thank you very much, I upgraded jupyter-server

➜  jupyter --version                                                               
Selected Jupyter core packages...
IPython          : 7.30.1
ipykernel        : 5.5.5
ipywidgets       : not installed
jupyter_client   : 7.1.0
jupyter_core     : 4.9.1
jupyter_server   : 1.13.1
jupyterlab       : 3.2.5
nbclient         : 0.5.9
nbconvert        : 6.3.0
nbformat         : 5.1.3
notebook         : 6.4.6
qtconsole        : not installed
traitlets        : 5.1.1


├── other_user
│   └── hi.txt
└── user
    └── getting_started.ipynb


 ➜   jupyter lab  --notebook-dir='/home' --preferred-dir='/home/other_user'

Is there a bug?

jupyter lab --notebook-dir='/' --preferred-dir='/home/other_user'

wrong way

jupyter lab --notebook-dir='/home' --preferred-dir='other_user'

jupyter lab --notebook-dir='/home' --preferred-dir='./other_user'

[C 2021-12-22 22:16:22.818 ServerApp] Bad config encountered during initialization: No such preferred dir: ''/other_user''

But Not every time the error message is displayed correctly

[C 2021-12-22 22:11:45.671 ServerApp] Bad config encountered during initialization: preferred_dir must be equal or a subdir of root_dir: ''/user''
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Thank you, yes, I believe that it should not be like that:

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