I have been using JupyterHub and am very grateful for the help it provides. Thank you so much.
What I want to achieve is to display a custom message in the Event Log when a JupyterHub user selects “Start Server”
I tried the following but it didn’t work:
Creating a file in /usr/share/message with postStart in singleuser ⇒ sh: /usr/share/message: Permission denied
Using echo or $HOME/message in singleuser’s postStart ⇒ Not displayed in Event Log
Do you mean the spawn progress messages like “Server requested…”? This is the Spawner progress API, and for KubeSpawner, implemented here. These come directly from kubectl events POD, and aren’t easily added to from within the container.
I suppose you would have to modify KubeSpawner.progress in your own subclass and retrieve the messages there, somehow. I’m not sure how best to go about it.