The JupyterLab demo is on Binder. One kernel shows:
Notebook: demo/Lorenz.ipynb
Kernel ID: 3c3f1ace-bd63-4445-8e4b-eeb8a83cdfd7
Kernel Host: jupyter-jupyterlab-jupyterlab-demo-2w21pwmz
How can I see that kernel’s version? Thanks.
The JupyterLab demo is on Binder. One kernel shows:
Notebook: demo/Lorenz.ipynb
Kernel ID: 3c3f1ace-bd63-4445-8e4b-eeb8a83cdfd7
Kernel Host: jupyter-jupyterlab-jupyterlab-demo-2w21pwmz
How can I see that kernel’s version? Thanks.
check on the terminal with pip list
what is installed.
When I open a Terminal in JupyterLab, the side panel says: “Kernel usage not available”. Since there are multiple kernels available in JupyterLab, how can I select a kernel in Terminal and then run pip list
in the selected kernel? Thanks.
you could use jupyter kernelspec list
to see the list of available kernels and then pip list | grep kernelname
. there is probably some better way inside a notebook i don’t know of.
In the Terminal, jupyter kernelspec list
outputs the following kernels:
ir /srv/conda/envs/notebook/share/jupyter/kernels/ir
python3 /srv/conda/envs/notebook/share/jupyter/kernels/python3
xpython /srv/conda/envs/notebook/share/jupyter/kernels/xpython
xpython-raw /srv/conda/envs/notebook/share/jupyter/kernels/xpython-raw
But pip list | grep python3
outputs nothing.
yes, python3 should be ipykernel
package in pip