so what’s the relation between jupyverse and jupyterlab? if I’d want to modify jupyter UI, should I clone the jupyterlab’s repo ? but how to connect jupyterlab VS jupyverse? and how to re-build to get assets files after modify?
got it. bellow is how to update jupyterlab UI ( jupyverse’s UI is just jupyterlab’s UI ) after modifying its typescript source code:
command to build jupyterlab’s typescript to jupyterlab’s directory
cd jupyterlab
jlpm run build
if success, we’ll find UI static files under jupyterlab\dev_mode\static\ directory.
then we can copy all file from "jupyterlab\dev_mode\static" directory into our jupyverse’s “static/” directory ( where jupyverse serve static files from this direcotry ,normally under jupyterlab python’s print(sys.prefix + “/share/jupyter/lab/static”) resulting path) . and restart jupyverse to view latest UI .