How to make created custom (conda) environments persist across user sessions in Jupyter Hub on AWS EKS cluster

Hi All,


Hope everyone is doing well.

Thanks in advance.

I have installed the Jupyter hub on the AWS EKS cluster.

Objective 1: We want to allow users to create conda environments using Jupyter lab UI which needs to be persisted across all user sessions meaning user 1 has created conda environment = xyz and the same environment can be accessed by user 2 when that user logs in to JH.

As mentioned in the article below, I have followed the below steps.

  1. Ensure the “nb_conda_kernels” package is installed in the root environment - have mentioned “nb_conda_kernels” in the docker file.

Here is my Dockerfile:
[#] Get the jupyter hub image of minimal-notebook from Docker hub
FROM jupyter/minimal-notebook:latest

[#] Allow users to create their own conda environments for notebooks
USER root

RUN conda install -c conda-forge nb_conda_kernels
RUN conda install -c conda-forge ipykernel

COPY .condarc /tmp/work/

[#] Copy environment.yml file to /tmp/work/ directory
COPY custom_environment.yml /tmp/work/

[#] Switch back to jovyan to avoid accidental container runs as root

  1. Configure Anaconda to install user environments to a folder within “$HOME” = /home/jovyan/.
    Created a file called .condarc and copied it to the home folder for all users.

JupyterHub config.yaml - lifecycle hooks:

- “sh”
- “-c”
- >
cp /tmp/work/custom_environment.yml /home/jovyan/;
cp /tmp/work/.condarc /home/jovyan/;

  1. Did the helm upgrade, restarted all user’s servers. Login with user 1 and created the below environments which can be seen in home directory.

Commands used to create the environments in Jupyter lab terminal:

  1. conda create -n myenv --yes python=3.8 ipykernel
  2. conda activate myenv
  3. python -m ipykernel install --user --name myenv
  4. conda env list

Same commands used to create the conda environment = d2l

conda environments:

d2l /home/jovyan/my-conda-envs/d2l
myenv /home/jovyan/my-conda-envs/myenv
base * /opt/conda

  1. When I login in with user 2 then we can’t see “d2l” and “myenv” in the “/home/jovyan/my-conda-envs/” directory.
    But as per the documentation, created conda environments need to persist across user sessions but it’s not happening. Could you please check and help?

Note: I am publishing a docker image to docker hub and pulling the same while installing JH.

Objective 2: As an admin we will create conda environments in advance in docker image and replicate those conda virtual environments across all the users.

I have followed below steps to create conda environments in advance in docker image.

  1. Created the environments in docker image. Here is my docker file.
    [#] Get the jupyter hub image of minimal-notebook from Docker hub
    FROM jupyter/minimal-notebook:latest

[#] Allow users to create their own conda environments for notebooks
USER root

RUN conda install -c conda-forge nb_conda_kernels
RUN conda install -c conda-forge ipykernel

COPY .condarc $HOME
COPY .condarc /tmp/work/

[#] Copy environment.yml file to /tmp/work/ directory
COPY custom_environment.yml /tmp/work/

[#] Create a custom environment 1 = d2l
RUN conda env create -f /tmp/work/custom_environment.yml

RUN python -m ipykernel install --name d2l

[#] Create a custom environment 2 = myenv with specific version of python
RUN conda create -n myenv --yes python=3.8 ipykernel

[#] Switch back to jovyan to avoid accidental container runs as root

  1. Build the docker image, run it local system to verify the created conda environments in docker image and can see those environments.

  1. JupyterHub config.yaml - lifecycle hooks:

- “sh”
- “-c”
- >
cp /tmp/work/.condarc /home/jovyan/;

  1. Did the helm upgrade, restarted all users servers. When users login with their credentials then they can’t see the conda environments which we created in docker image.

Note: I am publishing a docker image to docker hub and pulling the same while installing JH.

Could you please check and help on these issues?

Thanks & Regards,

could you provide .condarc file?

Thanks for your reply.

As requested, please find the lines inside the .condarc file.


Thanks for sharing file. Although, in Notebook, we’ve better way to run pre-start scripts before notebook actual starts. click here for more info
So, you can keep a script file inside a folder /usr/local/bin/start-notebook.d. The run-hooks function looks for .sh scripts to source and executable files to run within a passed directory. You can keep a script which will perform all above copying operations and can setup .condarc file on fly like this

if [ -f "$CONDARC_FILE" ]; then
    echo "conda configuration exists."
    echo "$CONDARC_FILE does not exist. writing one..."
    cat > "$CONDARC_FILE" <<EOF
  - /home/jovyan/.conda-envs/

Thanks for your reply.

As suggested, I copied your .condarc file into “/usr/local/bin/start-notebook.d/” folder then built the docker image using below file contents.

After I login, I have created a conda environment which is located in “/opt/conda/envs/myenv” but as per the condarc file it supposed to create under “/home/jovyan/.conda-envs/” location.

Here is the Dockerfile:
[#] Get the jupyter hub image of minimal-notebook from Docker hub
FROM jupyter/minimal-notebook:latest

[#] Allow users to create their own conda environments for notebooks
USER root

RUN conda install -c conda-forge nb_conda_kernels
RUN conda install -c conda-forge ipykernel

COPY .condarc /usr/local/bin/start-notebook.d/

[#] Copy environment.yml file to /tmp/work/ directory
COPY custom_environment.yml /tmp/work/

[#] Switch back to jovyan to avoid accidental container runs as root

Could you please break it down and explain?

Thank you

Sorry for late reply.

I checked your dockerfile.

you should be creating a script with above bash script which will be copied to /usr/local/bin/start-notebook.d/

so, create file with below code

if [ -f "$CONDARC_FILE" ]; then
    echo "conda configuration exists."
    echo "$CONDARC_FILE does not exist. writing one..."
    cat > "$CONDARC_FILE" <<EOF
  - /home/jovyan/.conda-envs/

and now your Dockerfile should look like this

[#] Get the jupyter hub image of minimal-notebook from Docker hub
FROM jupyter/minimal-notebook:latest

[#] Allow users to create their own conda environments for notebooks
USER root

RUN conda install -c conda-forge nb_conda_kernels
RUN conda install -c conda-forge ipykernel

COPY /usr/local/bin/start-notebook.d/

[#] Copy environment.yml file to /tmp/work/ directory
COPY custom_environment.yml /tmp/work/

[#] Switch back to jovyan to avoid accidental container runs as root

Look if you can locate file .condarc at location /home/jovyan/.condarc with following content

  - /home/jovyan/.conda-envs/