I have a corp artifactory set up that we have to go through in installing npm/yarn packages. Now I am able to npm install, but jupyter labextension install generates an SSL Cert error. I am looking for idea in configuration in how to fix this issue.
Yes, I have contact the team who supports artifactory in my company. Their position is:
npm works
Unless I can translate jupyter labextension install into a valid npm or yarn CLI command, they cannot help me.
(Yes, if someone can provide this info, that would help too).
A. this works: npm
$ npm install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manage
B. this does not: jupyter install
$ jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
Failed to fetch package metadata for ‘@jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager’:
URLError(SSLError(1, ‘[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:852)’),)
Building jupyterlab assets (production, minimized)
This doesn’t fix the root cause, but it could be a workaround. JupyterLab 3 supports installation of extensions packaged as PyPI or conda packages, which has the additional benefit of not requiring a resource intensive build step when you install it.
It looks like jupyter-widgets supports this installation method:
@maniacs Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, this is one of the Jalb3 features that I am really excited about. It would make installation and conda env construction so much easier! (However, I reckon that it is goid to take a while to get to that point).
In my case, I actually have 5 or 6 labextension that I ran into this SSL: Certificate_verify_failed. I only listed one for simplicity here. So I am really looking for a solution that could fix the underlying root cause. Thanks again!