How to debug code in an imported function

Dear all,

I am trying to debug a python code in JupyterLab.
The part of the code that fails consists of the main script that I have written myself and a function that I import.

At the start of the main script, I import the function like this:

from module import function1

Later in the main script, I am calling the function like this:

returnValue = function1(arg1, arg2)

The program encounters an error inside function1, and I want to print the values of the variables before the program fails. I include breakpoints in the file that contains the definition of function1, but these are ignored by the debugger.

What am I doing wrong?
How can I debug code in the main script and in the imported function?

Please tell me if you need more information to help me.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Are you restarting the kernel after you make such changes? Once done the first time, imports of the same module do not get repeated in the session unless you somehow force it. Restarting the kernel is one such way.