I want to define a special URL for each user server, for example, the original URL was ipxxxx/user/admin/lab
, but now I want everyone’s URL to become ipxxxx/user/admin/{jupyterhub_api_token}/lab
. At the same time, the API prefix of jupyterhub also changes synchronously, for example, to /user/admin/{jupyterhub_api_token}/app/kernelspecs
. How should I do it?
JupyterHub is fairly decoupled from the singleuser server. Once the hub launches the singleuser server all traffic is sent directly to the singleuser server. This means if you want to split the singleuser endpoints across two completely different prefixes you’d need to rewrite the singleuser server (i.e. jupyter-server and JupyterLab).
Can you give us some background on what your overall goals are? What are you hoping to achieve by splitting the singleuser-server endpoints? What’s the reason for including the API token in the URL (generally a bad idea)? Do you want every restart of a users server to have a different URL as implied by your inclusion of the token, or should it be consistent? Is it important that the username is part of the URL? Should a user’s state be persisted across server launches?