How to customize a launcher using jupyter app launcher?

Now I want to customize a jupyter app luancher(GitHub - trungleduc/jupyter_app_launcher: A JupyterLab extension to create custom launcher entries.), but I didn’t know how to build it and launcher my specific launcher , because there doesn’t have any detail documents. Who can help me ?

How wouly you like to customise the launcher specifically?

I want to customize the launcher and add some url or llm module , user can access these with jupyterlab launcher. I follow the steps to do , but it failed and only showed default launcher.

  1. git clone GitHub - trungleduc/jupyter_app_launcher: A JupyterLab extension to create custom launcher entries.
  2. cd jupyter_app_launcher
    3 conda create -n jlab python=3.8
  3. conda activate jlab
  4. pip install jupyterlab=3.6.3
  5. pip install jupyter-packaging
  6. pip install nodejs=18
  7. pip install -ve .
  8. jupyter labextension develop . –overwrite
  9. npm run build
  10. npm run watch
  11. open another terminal, run “jupyter lab”

@trungleduc @krassowski hello , I ran "npm run build " and "jupyter lab build " all succeed , but why is the customized content still not displayed correctly as this demo shows (GitHub - trungleduc/jupyter_app_launcher: A JupyterLab extension to create custom launcher entries. ), if feel convience , pls help me check ,thx.

list shows it is enabled ok.

You don’t need to rebuild the extension, installing it from pip or conda is enough. The configuration is detailed at JupyterLab App Launcher Documentation — JupyterLab App Launcher

@trungleduc Glad to recieve this reply, thanks. I already tried this and create a path named jupyter_app_launcher under the directory of jupyter data path, then created a jp_app_launcher_my_extension.yaml , customized my conten into this yaml file and it displays ok. But what confuses me is why neither compilation nor direct installation can display the samples contained in code.(jupyter_app_launcher/samples at v0.1.7 · trungleduc/jupyter_app_launcher · GitHub). In the installation or compilation progress , does it copy this yaml file to data path?

No it does not. You need to create the config yourself

@trungleduc Does there have any methods to remove the default jupyter launcher content of main area , only retain customized content?

possible, but tricky

What do you think about adding functionality similar to jupyter-app-launcher into JupyterLab core say for 4.2. or 4.3? It seems like customization of the laucher seems like a common use case. In lab we could have a just a list of settings for it.

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it would be great! I think a stripped-down version of this extension can go to the core, which allows users to create launcher icons to execute JupyterLab commands.