How to change the wait time when JupyterLab Extension Manager loading the INSTALLED Extension list

Hey Guys,

I run a JupyterLab in a VPC. The VPC connects to the Internet through a proxy server.

When I use Extension Manager to, it loads INSTALLED Extension list very slowly.
When 1min has passed, it showed 504(Gateway Timeout)

So,I need to extend the waiting time.

How can I change the wait time whitch when JupyterLab Extension Manager loading the INSTALLED Extension list?


Is your VPC and proxy definitely correctly configured? Is it definitely a timeout due to slowness, as opposed to a timeout due to the site being blocked by your VPC/proxy?

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Thank you for your answer.

I have added the following URL to the proxy’s whitelist:


And I also used the following command to configure the proxy:

·npm config set proxy http://[userID]:[passwd]@proxy.of.your.domain:8000 -g
·npm config set https-proxy http://[userID]:[passwd]@proxy.of.your.domain:8000 -g

Do I need to add other URLs to the proxy whitelist(like or others?)?

I’m afraid I don’t know. You could try checking your proxy logs to see which URLs are being requested/blocked?