How can I set up Jupyter Notebook to wrap text in all cells?

I figured out on my that I could edit the notebook.json file directly in Visual Studio Code, and I thought I would share how I did it here in case others are confused. I used code from this post:

First I found the file in the directory that looks like this: /home/username/anaconda3/etc/jupyter/nbconfig/notebook.json
Then I inserted this code:
“Cell”: {
“cm_config”: {
“lineWrapping”: true
You can also specify only code cells or only Markdown cells, as described on Stack Overflow, by including either of the following:

  "MarkdownCell": {
    "cm_config": {
      "lineWrapping": true
  "CodeCell": {
    "cm_config": {
      "lineWrapping": true

If you have something else in it, ensure you have valid JSON with no trailing commas after } s.

After editing notebook.json, restart Jupyter and reload your notebook.
If you don’t have Visual Studio Code you can probably open and edit it as a text file.

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