Hi everyone,
I’m new to the Jupyter community but I’ve been programming for about 5 years.
Like a lot of young programmers, one of my first interactions with programming was Scratch/BYOB. It has both simplicity and versatility but is obviously not suited for higher-level programming tasks. However, I believe that the proper combination of text and graphics in programming could help make code more readable and understandable, and this proper combination already exists in the form of flowcharts. They’re great for explaining complicated topics.
Jupyter Notebooks are almost perfectly suited for providing this experience because the idea of cells of code running sequentially already models a sequential graph. If you could branch these graphs with if statements and multithreading, you could convert code that was once dense and unreadable into a well-formatted graph that could be shown to non-programmers or beginners.
I’ve started working on an enhancement proposal in the Jupyter GitHub for this idea, but I realized I should at least get feedback from the community first. Is this an idea that’s worth pursuing? Would anyone here have use for such a UI?
Here’s the enhancement proposal if anyone would like to see it: https://github.com/CharlesAverill/enhancement-proposals/blob/60a6f97b25b5fe489b5ff6438e78ab1783345c4e/flowchart-notebook/flowchart-notebook.md
Thank you!