Embedding JupyterHub inside another website causes redirect loop

We have a central installation of jupyterhub. We use a central sign on using Kerberos, so that it detects user sign-on automatically. I am embedding one of the notebook from JupyterHub within an internal website using iFrame. But JupyterHub keeps on redirecting for authentication and never reaches to actual notebook. While the authentication was successful on the server side but the UI keeps on redirecting.

I have updated config to allow iframe embed like this

c.JupyterHub.tornado_settings = {“cookie_options”: {“expires_days”: None}, ‘headers’: {‘Content-Security-Policy’: “frame-ancestors ‘self’ *”}}

Is everything working if you access JupyterHub directly without the IFrame?

Can you turn on debug logging in JupyterHub, and show the full hub logs?