Dynamically Provisioning Additional Storage in JupyterHub with User-specific Configuration

I have a user_info.json file containing user information, structured as follows:

  { "name": "martin", "additional_storage": false, "server": []},
  { "name": "joe",  "additional_storage": { "storage_account_name": "<storage_account_name>", "container_name": "<container_image>" }, "server": [{"default": true, "display_name": "server1"}, {"display_name": "server2"}]}

This file is mounted in the user’s pod at /etc/jupyterhub.

Upon user login, I aim to provision additional storage (PV) dynamically. This involves creating PV, PVC, and mounting them to the user pod.

I’ve successfully implemented dynamic provisioning for profile/server by integrating the following logic into the hub’s values.yaml:

  options_form: |
    import json
    async def dynamic_options_form(self):
        username = self.user.name
        with open("/etc/jupyterhub/users_info.json") as f:
            users = json.load(f)
        for user in users:
            if username == user['name']:
                self.profile_list += user.get("server") if user.get("server") else self.profile_list
        return self._options_form_default()
    c.KubeSpawner.options_form = dynamic_options_form

However, I’m encountering difficulties replicating the same dynamic provisioning for PV.

KubeSpawner only supports one dynamically created PVC

You could subclass KubeSpawner, and create the additional PVCs.