Is it possible to provide a dynamic source of images to the image puller besides images specified in the Helm values config?
In addition, is it possible to run it every X minutes since the dynamic source of images (e.g., database) grows over time?
Otherwise, I assume that a custom solution based on the image-awaiter image is the most suitable solution?
The Z2JH image puller only supports static declarative configuration. For your use case I think writing a custom puller is the best solution.
The image-awaiter is only required to delay the creation of pods such as the hub and proxy until the images have already been pulled, so I don’t think you need it since you’re only using it to update images on a regular schedule.
In Z2jh the images by creating a daemonset to run the pulled image with a no-op command:
so since the image-awaiter code creates a daemonset you could copy and modify it to do the equivalent of the Helm chart, but dynamically.