Dockerspawner + sssd uid, gid and group transfer to notebook container

Hello everyone!

For the past 6 hours i have been struggling to find a way to transfer uid, gid and groups from sssd authenticated users to each user container spawned. I have jupyterhub runnning in a container spawning jupyterlab notebooks as containers, and i have configured sssd for the jupyterhub and authentication works fine. The problem is “transfering” the authenticated user to the container with same uid, gid and groups. I need this behavior for users to access their files.

I am using PAMAuthenticator, and tried to “expand” the PAMAuthenticator to change NB_USER, UID and GID from auth state without any luck. My Auth state keeps being “None”. PS: my jupyterhub is not runnnig on k8, im running dockerspawner.

Have anyone been in a similiar situation? I could really use some help :sunny: