I am try to configure a Moodle integration that lets me give access to a notebook to my students. They should be able to run this notebook within the Moodle environment which is stored on GitHub.
The config screen within Moodle whats the server url, the notebook file, and GitHub details. When run the notebook successfully get stored on GitHub, but fails to spawn a active Jupyter session. I get 404: Not Found
I can see Moodle try to connect:
[W 2024-10-17 17:41:56.867 JupyterHub log:192] 404 GET /hub/5/Invite_list_2023-03/mag2cdbbc0a50d14433d9d93344489e (rregan@::ffff: 5.40ms
[D 2024-10-17 17:41:56.935 JupyterHub log:192] 200 GET /hub/logo (@::ffff: 0.88ms
but there is no login. I have tried setting up keys, but I do not know what the service will be called.
I can login by hand if I just use the url in the browser,
Can anyone explain the “/hub/5/invite_list” log line? I think the 5 is related to the course id, but I have not been able to confirm this.
Also any advice in solving this would be most appreciated .