Data selecting with widget checkbox

I am trying to write an interactive python script (jupiter notebook) that lets me select different parts of a pandas df. Later I want to use this in combination with an OLS regression to selct which of the 6 parts from the original df get selected for the regresion. Each part coresponds to one year of data.

Right now i am just trying to make it work, so I want to print the df with the updated numbers.

selected_data is created and printed, but only with the column headers. The checkboxes also appear, but when i check one of the boxes, the printed df ist not being updated.

Every help is welcome.

input is : adj_data outout should be : selected_data

# Function to update the dataset based on checkbox selection
def update_dataset(selected_checkboxes):
    selected_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=adj_data.columns)  # Create empty DataFrame with the correct column headers
    if 1 in selected_checkboxes:
        selected_data = pd.concat([selected_data, adj_data.iloc[:400]])
    if 2 in selected_checkboxes:
        selected_data = pd.concat([selected_data, adj_data.iloc[400:799]])
    if 3 in selected_checkboxes:
        selected_data = pd.concat([selected_data, adj_data.iloc[799:1198]])
    if 4 in selected_checkboxes:
        selected_data = pd.concat([selected_data, adj_data.iloc[1198:1597]])
    if 5 in selected_checkboxes:
        selected_data = pd.concat([selected_data, adj_data.iloc[1597:1996]])
    if 6 in selected_checkboxes:
        selected_data = pd.concat([selected_data, adj_data.iloc[1996:2394]])
    return selected_data

# Create checkboxes
checkbox_widgets = [widgets.Checkbox(value=False, description=f'{i+1}') for i in range(6)]

# Create observable output for the checkboxes
checkbox_output = widgets.VBox(checkbox_widgets)

# Register the callback function for the checkbox changes
for checkbox in checkbox_widgets:
    checkbox.observe(update_regression, 'value')

# Display of checkboxes and regression graphic

The print is only being called once, and so will likely never update.

To get something that live updates, one can use an Output widget:

dataframe_preview = Output()
# ...
def update_dataset(selected_checkboxes):
   # ...
   with dataframe_preview:
# ...
display(checkbox_output, dataframe_preview)

For better support of dataframes (and numpy arrays) as traits, perhaps have a look at traittypes… though keep in mind that these don’t magically make subsets of dataframes evented, just when the entire value is set.

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