We’ve setup TLJH for an upcoming course, and the tutors are reporting that servers they’re testing with parallel code are using all available cores on the host, rather than the 2 that are configured for a single user.
TLJH uses SystemdSpawner where you can enforce limits on resources using systemd. Here are the config details. Not sure what is the best way to do it on TLJH though!
Yes, I had set these values, and CPU_LIMIT appears to be set correctly in the shell.
I asked because one of the tutors for this course reported CPU usage exceeding this limit, but perhaps that wasn’t the case.
ok, it should be set with those. You should be able to test if this is the case with a sample task like this:
import time
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import psutil
def use_cpu(seconds: float | int):
"""busywait to use the cpu in a single thread for a number of seconds"""
start = time.perf_counter()
deadline = start + seconds
while time.perf_counter() < deadline:
x = sum(range(100_000))
p = psutil.Process()
n_cpus = 4
with ProcessPoolExecutor(n_cpus) as pool:
# submit tasks to use all cpus for 2 seconds
for i in range(n_cpus):
f = pool.submit(use_cpu, seconds=2)
# measure cpu time of all children for one second
children = p.children()
before_times = sum(sum(_p.cpu_times()[:2]) for _p in children)
after_times = sum(sum(_p.cpu_times()[:2]) for _p in children)
cpu_usage = after_times - before_times
where cpu_usage will be the number of cpus used. If you’ve set the limit to 2, you should get a result around 2, even if you run it with 4 or 10 processes. If you get a number that’s approximately n_cpus even when it’s larger than the limit, that meanst he limit is not having the desired effect.