I’m having to install finicky pycaret and all its dependencies in a separate python 3.8 environment.
I built the image successfully. This is the Dockerfile, based on Jupyter Docker Stacks’ contributed recipes.
FROM jupyter/datascience-notebook:lab-3.2.8
# alternatively, you can comment out the lines above and uncomment those below
# if you'd prefer to use a YAML file present in the docker build context
ARG conda_env=pycaret
# you can add additional libraries you want mamba to install by listing them below the first line and ending with "&& \"
RUN mamba create --yes -p "${CONDA_DIR}/envs/${conda_env}" -c conda-forge \
-c interpretml \
python=3.8 ipython ipykernel pip 'pycaret>=2.3.0' \
opentsne deepchecks great-expectations psycopg2 thriftpy2 \
shap 'tune-sklearn>=0.2.1' 'ray-tune>=1.0.0' 'hyperopt' 'optuna>=2.2.0' \
'scikit-optimize>=0.8.1' 'psutil' 'catboost>=0.23.2' 'xgboost>=1.1.0' \
explainerdashboard 'interpret<=0.2.4' evidently autoviz fairlearn \
fastapi uvicorn fugue>=0.6.5 wandb \
boto3 azure-storage-blob google-cloud-storage && \
mamba clean --all -f -y
# the following do not exist in anaconda repos
# m2cgen gradio
# any additional pip installs can be added by uncommenting the following line
RUN "${CONDA_DIR}/envs/${conda_env}/bin/pip" install \
'prefect>=2.0b' feast nannyml \
# create Python kernel and link it to jupyter
RUN "${CONDA_DIR}/envs/${conda_env}/bin/python" -m ipykernel install --user --name="${conda_env}" && \
fix-permissions "${CONDA_DIR}" && \
fix-permissions "/home/${NB_USER}"
# if you want this environment to be the default one, uncomment the following line:
RUN echo "conda activate ${conda_env}" >> "${HOME}/.bashrc"
# closing instructions
# Dask Scheduler & Bokeh ports
ENTRYPOINT [ "start-notebook.sh", "--ServerApp.ip=", "--ServerApp.token=''", "--ServerApp.allow_root=True" ]
If I spin up this image using docker run, I can see the pycaret
kernel listed within JupyterLab.
However if I spin up this image as a Docker Swarm service, pycaret is not listed, which beats the point.
I cannot image why?