Community Building Working Group Meeting Minutes

Hello - the Jupyter Community Building Working Group (JCB) wanted to share a quick message to let you know that moving forward we are publishing public minutes here: Community Building Working Group — Project Jupyter Governance

Please let us know if you have questions or feedback.


it is really awesome to finally see some public work from this group. thanks for the transparency. in the recent notes there is a statement

Community Interviews: Tabled the discussion of recommendations in the community survey report in favor of discussion above

could someone expand on the motivation of tabling the community interviews and recommendations?

These were tabled for the meeting that day, not in general. The explanation is noted in the minutes. I’ve copied the bullet here.

  • Community Interviews: Tabled the discussion of recommendations in the community survey report in favor of discussion above

We chose to prioritize creating a process for public minutes and the other items listed over making progress on the report that day.


thanks for clarifying.

is there a goal for providing recommendations and strategy from the community building group? it seems prudent to provide this information as there is decreasing attendance and energy in many community meetings.

Great question. Yes, we are working on the recommendations right now.

nearly nine months ago the community building working group met with different teams across project jupyter to address community quality and attrition. i personally represented the accessibility group to talk about community work, i’m attaching the notes from our discussion. at the end of that meeting i was very happy with the goals and questions you ask. when we left the meeting i mentioned that the next move is on y’all, and since then there has been nothing but deference. the community building working group needed to act, but instead there has been nine months of neglect and delay for recommendations. at this point, the community building working group should reassess their priorities and resourcing. the community deferred to y’all to improve the community, but instead the neglect excluded people from the community. i really hoped that governance formalizing DEI and community engagement would bring more inclusion, but as a member of the community i’ve been severely disappointed again.