I exploring a set up using third parties managed Jupyter Notebook service. I’m keen to still present this to our users through JupyterHub.
The API on the Notebook server means I can easily create a spawner that can start, stop and poll the Notebook service. However, once the Notebook server has started I want to redirect to a URL NOT proxy to it.
I understand this isn’t how Jupyter Hub was designed (I don’t think) but any ideas how to do this? The only idea I have so far is to create a service that the Hub can proxy to that just then redirects the user to this new url.
I cant proxy to the Notebook services as it manages it’s own auth, https, etc.
Incase it helps anyone the current solution we’ve implemented is below. It’s a class that runs a simple server with one action, take a requests and send a 302 redirect to the new URL.
At the end of the start method on our custom spawner we have