Bug when activating jupyterLab collaboration feature

hello, i deployed jupyterhub chart in kubernetes aws EKS,

  • Helm chart version: 3.3.7
  • JupyterHub version: 4.1.5
  • jupyter_client : 8.4.0
  • jupyter_core : 5.4.0
  • jupyter_server : 2.8.0
  • jupyterlab : 4.2.0

with this configuration, i’m facing an issue when editing a notbook in jupyterhub with collaborative mode activated , here is the error :
in navigator:
994.c290665e94ae9503…0665e94ae9503337f:1 WebSocket connection to ‘wss://foch.production.trustii.io/user/john.doe–trustii.io/api/collaboration/room/JupyterLab:globalAwareness’ failed:

in user pod logs:

[W 2024-06-10 17:25:06.532 ServerApp] 404 GET /user/john.doe–trustii.io/api/collaboration/room/JupyterLab:globalAwareness (@::ffff: 1.34ms

any help please,

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