It sounds like you just want a way to clone the contents of a repo rather than installing an environment, so you might find nbgitpuller more relevant?
I like this ideas exchange, and thanks the suggestion of using alternative services.
I appreciate that the whole BinderHub experience is - and should be - more than just cloning a repo.
I simply think that having a modular approach in which elements such as copying environments would be abstracted, removed if not necessary, or implemented in different ways would make the whole service more useful and sustainable in the long-term.
I understand that on Aug 2020 using Kubernetes is an interesting option, but that’s not the only one. I have on-prem use cases, and others which are independent on Kubernetes in the cloud. I wish to contribute, and to make use of the ecosystem in my work context.
I know I am just getting started in understanding this project, and I still don’t know all its potential. Please bear with me and keep explaining