Binder stopped due to an error or it was removed due to age or inactivity

I am new to Binder and I keep on running in the following error once I try to access the MyBinder repository I created:

424 error
Your Binder stopped due to an error or it was removed due to age or inactivity.

Is this due to the 10 minutes inactivity rule of Binder? I am just looking to provide a link for reproducing my code and add it to a blog post, would be grateful for any tips on how to proceed. Thank you

If it is working and you stop using it for 10 minute and it times out, then it is due to the 10 minutes of inactivity rule. It doesn’t seem like that is what is happening though. I’m thinking you expecting to access an old session instance? (More information provided in your original post would have made the situation clearer, see the bottom of this post.)

You want to link to the launch URL for sharing a way to launch your notebook. Every user is meant to get their own fress session instanct. DO NOT SHARE A PREVIOUSLY LAUNCHED SESSION INSTANCE. Previous session instances won’t be available once the originating connection closes the session.

An example of a launch URL vs a session instance URL may help you understand:

If you go to binder examples page for ‘’ Python environment with a requirements.txt and hover over the launch binder badge, you’ll see the URL it triggers to open is:

If you then launch a temporary session instance by clicking on the badge, when it spins up and shows Jupyter; you’ll see a URL like:

Note two big differences:

  • There’s a specific federation member indicated by text in front of near the start of the latter URL. In this example, it is OVH.
  • There is alphanumeric chain of code that identifies the specific session following the text that derives from the GitHub account and particular repo, the binder-examples-requirements- part here that mirrors the binder-examples/requirements part of the launch URL. In this case the alphanumeric code identifier for this specific session that I started is i9xpeq3w, you’ll see in on the far right side of the URL. When I close my browser window, 10 minutes from now that session will be inaccessible to all, including myself. I can always relaunch a fresh session using the launch URL to start over. Always download to your local machine any modified notebooks or other content.

If you need to share something you made, you save the notebooks you made and then put them in your own repository. In the case of GitHub, the easiest way to get started with that is to use one of the binder examples as a template like the requirements.txt example or the conda environment.yml example to make your repo and then add your content. This is an example built on using the requirements.txt example as a basis to then I added my own notebooks and content.

The site form will help you craft the launch link for you new repository. The site will even make a badge that links to that launch URL, and that badge you can use on GitHub or other places you can use markdown or restructured text.) If you just want to share you code then you go to nbviewer and point it at the URL of your notebook on GitHub. A ‘static’ version of your notebook will show up and you can use the nbviewer URL to share with non-developers. I put ‘static’ in quotes because nbviewer is capable of keeping interactivity that is based on javascript, such as a lot of Plotly plots.
If you need your notebook active and your code doesn’t use complex packages, you can deploy your notebooks onto JupyterLite so that it actual runs in a virtual system inside the browser of the user’s computer using Web Assembly (WASM).

Importantly, because it is going to be public for the MyBinder site to be able to work with it, when posting for help on MyBinder always put a link to your repository or archive. And preferably also paste the launch link. If you had pasted what you were using in your first post, I’m guessing it may have looked perhaps like a specific temporary session and had an specific identifying alphanumeric session code in the URL.