Better examples for setting up JupyterHub

Hi. It just took me a week with heavy support from Google and ChatGPT to setup JupyterHub for a quite generic application.

I am a Python programmer and not a system admin. I know tha using jupyter notebook and jupyterlab is quite easy but JupyterHub is hard.

I wanted to prepare a Python lecture and the users should get dummy names and dummy passwords to work for the two days of lecture. Without passwords it seems not to be possible.

The first problem was to setup the authenticator. It took me hours together with ChatGPT to figure it out since there is no full working example but only the information which authenticators are available. Collection the code snippets and figuring out how to use it is quite hard and frustrating.

The next problem was, that it seems that it is expected for the users to have logins on the underlying Linux machine. For the lecture there are only people that will learn Python, i.e. none is on the Linux machine.

So I had to setup directories for the users manually with all installs including a JupyterLab (the need of installing JupyterLab was not clear to me and took me days to understand what’s missing [fortunately got a hint from this forum])

So im my opinion it would be helpful to have a fool proof step by step tutorial without any implicite assumptions on system admin level. Maybe there is one but too good hidden in the tutorial pages.

Nevertheless, thank you for providing and maintaining JupyterHub!

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Thanks for the feedback about your set up experience.

For future readers, a few resources may help with set up:

  1. The Littlest JupyterHub β€” The Littlest JupyterHub documentation
  2. Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes β€” Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes documentation Guide
  3. Community project, Nebari:

This page may also help with choosing the best implementation for the desired use: When to use The Littlest JupyterHub β€” The Littlest JupyterHub documentation