I am facing issue in configuring ldap authentication with AD integration and I get error while logging in. Below is my config file.
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = 'ldapauthenticator.LDAPAuthenticator'
c.LDAPAuthenticator.server_address = '<ip>'
c.LDAPAuthenticator.server_port = 389
c.LDAPAuthenticator.use_ssl = False
c.LDAPAuthenticator.allowed_groups = []
#set up the template which used to bind the user from ldap directory
#c.LDAPAuthenticator.bind_dn_template = ["uid={username},ou=Admin,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"]
#Active Directory Integration
c.LDAPAuthenticator.lookup_dn = True
c.LDAPAuthenticator.lookup_dn_search_filter = '({login_attr}={login})'
c.LDAPAuthenticator.lookup_dn_search_user = 'user@example.com'
c.LDAPAuthenticator.lookup_dn_search_password = 'redact'
c.LDAPAuthenticator.user_search_base = 'ou=Admin,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com'
c.LDAPAuthenticator.user_attribute = 'sAMAccountName'
c.LDAPAuthenticator.lookup_dn_user_dn_attribute = 'cn'
c.LDAPAuthenticator.escape_userdn = False
c.LDAPAuthenticator.bind_dn_template = '{username}'
While logging to jupyterhub with my user I get below error.
[W 2021-03-18 05:02:18.675 JupyterHub ldapauthenticator:275] No entry found for user 'testuser' when looking up attribute 'sAMAccountName'
[W 2021-03-18 05:02:18.675 JupyterHub base:713] Failed login for testuser
Tried different combinations in configuring the parameters but the error remains the same.
is the ldap account that I have mentioned. Is it the correct way?
Any suggestions please.