No, not that I’m aware. Here’s my env:
$ jupyter --version
jupyter core : 4.7.1
jupyter-notebook : 6.4.3
qtconsole : not installed
ipython : 7.27.0
ipykernel : 6.3.1
jupyter client : 7.0.2
jupyter lab : 3.1.1
nbconvert : 6.1.0
ipywidgets : not installed
nbformat : 5.1.3
traitlets : 5.1.0
and command line:
$ jupyter notebook --Session.debug=True --notebook-dir=~/notebooks/
and log output after starting a kernel:
[I 09:56:49.301 NotebookApp] Kernel started: 3aa544f4-a944-46fd-8bbf-755bdd48baf4, name: python3
{'content': {},
'header': {'date': datetime.datetime(2021, 9, 1, 16, 56, 49, 382864, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
'msg_id': '6cdf85db0a5f49e39b5cba964e7e03fb_8109_0',
'msg_type': 'kernel_info_request',
'session': '6cdf85db0a5f49e39b5cba964e7e03fb',
'username': 'kbates',
'version': '5.3'},
'metadata': {},
'msg_id': '6cdf85db0a5f49e39b5cba964e7e03fb_8109_0',
'msg_type': 'kernel_info_request',
'parent_header': {}}
b'{"msg_id": "6cdf85db0a5f49e39b5cba964e7e03fb_8109_0", "msg_type": "kernel_in'
b'fo_request", "username": "kbates", "session": "6cdf85db0a5f49e39b5cba964e7e0'
b'3fb", "date": "2021-09-01T16:56:49.382864Z", "version": "5.3"}',
What output do you see in your terminal from which the server was started?