[SOLVED] Latest RStudio will not work with JupyterHub or Binder, use R version 4.0

I have had this issue for the past 1.5 half years. I read this thread and found the solution for my issue: Problems running Rstudio on JupyterHub - #5 by Miklos_Harsszegi

My setup uses the jupyter/datascience-notebook:ubuntu-20.04 as the base image + RStudio version 2023.09.1-494, for Ubuntu Focal. The server running this Jupyterhub instance did not have any domain named assigned, so I was accessing Jupyterhub through a URL formatted like this:

When I tried to access RStudio, I would get redirected to this URL:

Removing the auth-sign-in?appUri=%2F and changing the URL to use https instead of http would still not work, as it would continue to redirect me to the above incorrect URL.
After reading this thread, I assigned two DNS names to the same server:

  1. https://abc.xyz.com
  2. https://abc-def.xyz.com

When accessing the Jupyterhub instance through URL 1), this would redirect me to the correct URL when opening RStudio server:


And RStudio works as normal. But when accessing through URL 2), I would get the same error that I got when accessing with the IP address:


So the current fix (at least for my case), is to access Jupyterhub through a URL that has no - character or IP addresses. Hoping for a fix.

Upon further investigation, this might turn out to be also related to not having a valid TLS certificate. URL 2) works now too after a valid TLS certificate was deployed alongside Jupyterhub and it now redirects me to https://abc-def.xyz.com/jupyter/user/testuser/rstudio without any issues.
@yuvipanda @jrdnbradford

Thank you,

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