Smtplib SMTP-SSL does not work

I am trying to get connected to an email server trought MYBINDER, but it doesn’t work. My knowledge in computers and network is null, so I do not understand why. Here is a code :

import smtplib
print(‘Authentificating on diegoO2switchnet’)
server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(‘diegoO2switchnet’)
# On utilise SMTP_SSL() à la place de SMTP()
print(‘Authentificating on diegoO2switchnet’)

outputs always :
Authentificating on diegoO2switchnet
Then (after quite a while), i get a timout error.

Can you help me ? Many thanks.

PS : I got ride of the “.” dots in server adresse because new users cannot include more than 2 links in their post… is a free public resource which unfortunately sees a lot of misuse, so outgoing traffic is restricted to a limited number of ports. As you can probably imagine allowing SMTP would be immediately abused by spammers.

That’s what I tought. Many thanks for your kind answer.