JupyterHub and Moodle integration

Thanks a lot for your answer Tony. I had a look at that link as I mention in the post LTi authenticator setup
But when I include:
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = ‘ltiauthenticator.LTIAuthenticator’

c.LTIAuthenticator.consumers = {
“client-key”: “client-secret”
In my jupyterhub_config.py file, the service does not start and I get an error related to the ltiauthenticator class. It seems I have to add some other lines in that file like:

from ltiauthenticator import LTIAuthenticator

In the same way as for instance:
from jupyterhub.auth import LocalAuthenticator

Is included for Local Autentication

But if I include “from ltiauthenticator import LTIAuthenticator” in the jupyterhub_config.py file the server does not start and a new error is shown: ltiauthenticator can not be loaded, etc.

I hope you can help me to identify how should I call ltiauthenticator library in the configuration file.

Thanks in advance