Jupyter Lab ipywidgets no longer work with ipympl?

This is probably a different issue than where you posted this.

Did you run %pip install ipympl and then restart the kernel and refresh your browser? (Preferably shut down both JupyterLab and your browser and restart everything after that.)

Then run your code with %matplotlib ipympl as the first cell with no other %matplotlib-containting lines? I cannot tell because you share a little snipper of code as screenshot. Both of those approaches make it hard to advise you. Please search on here for more about ipympl and try the code examples you find. Then maybe you provide more streamlined code that shows the same issue? Like a ‘toy’ example that parallels your approach to the part you have trouble with displaying. Note because you show only a fragment of stuff with no actual code provided, I cannot even tell if you need ipympl for this but based on where you put this and the note about javascript that is my assumption.

I have done some demos that use Funcanimation() here but I don’t know if those involve JupyterLab, and I don’t generally combine it with using a trigger button. If I had a better idea of your goals, I may be able to find among my collected resources a more appropriate example that does indeed use that.

Also pay close attention to the warning. Even if you had your code and environment ready to run, the warning is stressing to you, that ‘as-is’ ,you essentially discard the animation without rendering it.

Please read and follow Getting good answers to your questions. The section at the end includes a link to How do I ask a good question? which emphasizes how to share code and errors as text and not screenshots under a section entitled ‘Help others reproduce the problem’.

Please in the future don’t tag on to solved two-year old threads.