Inline variable insertion in markdown

The post-processing version may still have different needs from the live/interactive one, as there may be different output constraints on say a static PDF output compared to a JS-rendered one in a browser (just like the nice HTML render of say pandas dataframes doesn’t quite make it to LaTeX output).

But as to your first question: without having tried to build it, I’m not 100% sure that Lab right now has all the right APIs for this (I don’t know them well enough). However, I can imagine a number of ways to try and build this as a Lab extension that should work, and where if they hit a wall, the answer at first might be to request a given API improvement in Lab (which isn’t an immutable entity :slight_smile:) to facilitate things…

But for example, here @jasongrout pointed out some ideas on how to write a custom cell provider in Lab… It’s under-documented ATM but seems viable, so I do think we have the starting points we need…