Google OAuthenticator extra security check

Hi there,

I have a JupyterHub installation which uses GoogleOAuthenticator to authenticate the users and allows them access to the notebook section. This is great, but it allows anyone with a Google email Id to authenticate and thus have access.

I have looked into the “whitelist” option and also set up a spawner pre hook which checks a user file to see if the user is in a whitelist, but both these methods require manual additions to add / remove users to the whitelist file.

Our users (and only our users) have access to a specific Big Query dataset and I don’t know how, but I would love to amend (or someone help me amend) the authenticator to use the authorization token just generated to see if the user can query that dataset. If they can, allow access, if not, they aren’t in our group and should be denied.

Does anyone know if this is possible or where to start?

The Google authenticate method returns the token:

You could override that method in a subclass to make a query based on the token.

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Thanks for the reply! This is where it gets a bit tricky for me as I’m a bit out of my depth on it, I wouldn’t have a clue how to pass the token into a query on a dataset :frowning:

Unless someone else has done it before you’ll need to figure it out by reading the API docs:

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Have you looked what other information is in the user object that contains the access token? Often a token is granted together with other information about the user that could help distinguish them.

@manics, Thanks for the initial start, I hadn’t see that part but when you said it returns the token, I started playing a little bit.

I have added the /auth/bigquery into the scope now and then I’ve been reading a post on how to convert a token to use for google.oauth2.credentials which I believe is needed to use for bigquery.Client;

import google.oauth2.credentials

credentials = google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials(

Taken from here

The problem I have is (amongst many!), I get the pop up for authentication, Big Query is now there as a service that access is requested for, but when I call the client.query command, the process times out due to a Proxy error (or so it shows in JupyterHub debug);

`requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /bigquery/v2/projects/my-project-name/jobs (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f64acda01d0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 110] Connection timed out',)))`

My code is below;

Custom Authenticator to use Google OAuth with JupyterHub.

Derived from the GitHub OAuth authenticator.

import os
import json

from tornado import gen
from tornado.auth import GoogleOAuth2Mixin
from tornado.web import HTTPError

from traitlets import Unicode, List, default, validate

from jupyterhub.auth import LocalAuthenticator
from jupyterhub.utils import url_path_join

from .oauth2 import OAuthLoginHandler, OAuthCallbackHandler, OAuthenticator

class GoogleLoginHandler(OAuthLoginHandler, GoogleOAuth2Mixin):
    '''An OAuthLoginHandler that provides scope to GoogleOAuth2Mixin's
    def scope(self):
        return self.authenticator.scope

class GoogleOAuthHandler(OAuthCallbackHandler, GoogleOAuth2Mixin):

class GoogleOAuthenticator(OAuthenticator, GoogleOAuth2Mixin):

    login_handler = GoogleLoginHandler
    callback_handler = GoogleOAuthHandler

    def _scope_default(self):
        return ['','profile', 'openid', 'email']
        #return ['profile','openid','email']

    hosted_domain = List(
        help="""List of domains used to restrict sign-in, e.g."""

    def _hosted_domain_from_env(self):
        domains = []
        for domain in os.environ.get('HOSTED_DOMAIN', '').split(';'):
            if domain:
                # check falsy to avoid trailing separators
                # adding empty domains
        return domains

    def _cast_hosted_domain(self, proposal):
        """handle backward-compatibility with hosted_domain is a single domain as a string"""
        if isinstance(proposal.value, str):
            # pre-0.9 hosted_domain was a string
            # set it to a single item list
            # (or if it's empty, an empty list)
            if proposal.value == '':
                return []
            return [proposal.value]
        return proposal.value

    login_service = Unicode(
        os.environ.get('LOGIN_SERVICE', 'Google'),
        help="""Google Apps hosted domain string, e.g. My College"""

    async def authenticate(self, handler, data=None):
        code = handler.get_argument("code")
        handler.settings['google_oauth'] = {
            'key': self.client_id,
            'secret': self.client_secret,
            'scope': self.scope,

        user = await handler.get_authenticated_user(

        import google.oauth2.credentials
        credentials = google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials(str(user['access_token']))

        access_token = str(user['access_token'])
        http_client = handler.get_auth_http_client()

        response = await http_client.fetch(
            self._OAUTH_USERINFO_URL + '?access_token=' + access_token

        if not response:
            raise HTTPError(500, 'Google authentication failed')
        from import bigquery
        client = bigquery.Client(project='my-project-name', credentials=credentials)
        query_job = client.query("SELECT * FROM `my-project-name.test_dataset.fruits`")
        results = query_job.result()
        for row in results:
            print("{} : {}".format(, row.quantity))

        bodyjs = json.loads(response.body.decode())
        user_email = username = bodyjs['email']
        user_email_domain = user_email.split('@')[1]

        if not bodyjs['verified_email']:
            self.log.warning("Google OAuth unverified email attempt: %s", user_email)
            raise HTTPError(403,
                "Google email {} not verified".format(user_email)

        if self.hosted_domain:
            if (
                user_email_domain not in self.hosted_domain or
                bodyjs['hd'] not in self.hosted_domain
                self.log.warning("Google OAuth unauthorized domain attempt: %s", user_email)
                raise HTTPError(403,
                    "Google account domain @{} not authorized.".format(user_email_domain)
            if len(self.hosted_domain) >= 1:
                # unambiguous domain, use only base name
                username = user_email.split('@')[0]
        return {
            'name': username,
            'auth_state': {
                'access_token': access_token,
                'google_user': bodyjs,

class LocalGoogleOAuthenticator(LocalAuthenticator, GoogleOAuthenticator):
    """A version that mixes in local system user creation"""

When I run the following code in one of my Notebooks, it makes me do an offline verification (which I’m trying to avoid!), but works, so I think the Proxy Timeout is a red herring and it is just something with my poor code!

from google_auth_oauthlib import flow
from import bigquery

launch_browser = False
# The `launch_browser` boolean variable indicates if a local server is used
# as the callback URL in the auth flow. A value of `True` is recommended,
# but a local server does not work if accessing the application remotely,
# such as over SSH or from a remote Jupyter notebook.

appflow = flow.InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(

if launch_browser:

credentials = appflow.credentials

client = bigquery.Client(credentials=credentials)
query_job = client.query("SELECT * FROM `my-project-name.test_dataset.fruits`")
results = query_job.result()
for row in results:
    print("{} : {}".format(, row.quantity))

Any advice? (apart from quit!)

I think I have done it! I’m using panas_gbq which doesn’t have the Proxy issue. I’ll share the code once finished, but I didn’t want people to waste their time when I think I have the solution :slight_smile:

As advised above, the below is the final piece of code I added to the original just before line 122:

# Check authentication against BQ table now
print("Trying to authenticate: " + username + " against BQ table")
import google.oauth2.credentials
# Build credentials from current OAuth login
credentials = google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials(
    id_token = str(user['id_token']),
    client_id = self.client_id,
    client_secret = self.client_secret,
    scopes = ''

# Bring in project and SQL
sql_auth_test="""SELECT * FROM `test_dataset.fruits` WHERE name='apple'"""

# Run authentication test
import pandas_gbq
pandas_gbq.context.credentials = credentials
pandas_gbq.context.project = project

# Try to run query and throw exception if no access
    df = pandas_gbq.read_gbq(sql_auth_test, dialect='standard')
except pandas_gbq.gbq.GenericGBQException:
    raise HTTPError(403,
            "Google account {} not authorized to access project {}.".format(user_email,project)

Works a treat, hopefully it will help someone else out there!