Custom Share UI

Is there a method to get the user or spawner wrapper objects instead of the ORM from user.all_shared_with_me in Jinja?

{% set shares = user.all_shared_with_me|list %}
{% if shares | length > 0 %}
<table class="server-table table table-striped">
            <th>Server Name</th>
            <th>Artifact Storage</th>
            <th>Last Activity</th>
        {% for share in shares %}
        {% set user = share.owner %}
        {% set spawner = share.spawner %}

Or a method to know if the spawner ORM is active or ready?

We use the spawner.started attribute from ORM object to determine whether the spawner is at least intended to be running. This approach is not ideal, but it works for our use case.

The wrapper object will likely not exist if the spawner is not running, so we can’t create wrappers for everything (they get expensive).

Or a method to know if the spawner ORM is active or ready?

We should define a helper method for this on the lower-level, but it is active (could be pending start or stop) if spawner.server is not None. “ready” is not available information from the ORM.