Configure unix socket


Does jupyterlab support unix sockets? If so, how do I configure it?

It seems Notebook supports them ( and tornado does too ( If this feature is missing, which is the right repo to log an issue for this, jupyter_server?

Hey! I found your post a few days ago and was surprised it wasn’t answered. I went on my own “socket journey” this weekend and got this working for jupyter notebook: Jupyter Notebook Sockets and I think it could work for jupyterlab too? [Notebook port 4835] Add UNIX socket support to notebook server by jtpio · Pull Request #525 · jupyter-server/jupyter_server · GitHub. Let me know if this sounds interesting to you and I can totally try it out - but maybe next weekend.

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Following up! So I’m using jupyter via Docker stacks, and getting the socket to work (akin to with the notebook) was easy! So if you look in the post linked above that shows how to do it with --sock. To change that to a jupyterlab instance instead (and this is running on an HPC cluster, hence singularity, and we’ve already pulled the datascience-notebook container:

singularity exec --env JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes \
    --home $HOME \
    --bind $HOME/.local:/home/jovyan/.local \
    docker://jupyter/datascience-notebook jupyter lab --no-browser \
    --sock $HOME/tunel/singularity/singularity/socket/jupyter/singularity-socket-jupyter.sock

And then on my local machine:

ssh -NT -L 7789:/home/<username>/tunel/singularity/singularity/socket/jupyter/singularity-socket-jupyter.sock <username>@<server>

And tada!

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